Abies concolor Concolor Fir; White Fir |
 | EVERGREEN CONIFER; long green to blue-green needles; moderate growing pyramidal habit to about 50' tall by 30' wide; deer browse resistant; tolerates heat and moderately & drier conditions better than most Abies; locate in full to mostly sunny locations & very well-drained organic neutral to slightly acidic moisture retentive soil; native to western North American mountains; Zones (3) 4 - 7 (8) | | | 5 - 6' | B&B |
| 6 - 7' | B&B |
| 7 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
| 10 - 12' | B&B |
Abies concolor 'Blue Cloak' Blue Concolor Fir; Blue White Fir |
![]() | EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL CONIFER; soft waxy bright blue needles; 3" sapphire-blue cones; somewhat pendulous lateral branching from an upright leader; irregular relaxed pyramidal habit to about 6' tall by 3' wide in 10 years; deer browse resistant; tolerates heat and moderately & drier conditions better than most Abies; locate in full to mostly sunny locations & very well-drained organic neutral to slightly acidic moisture retentive soil; native to western North American mountains; Zones (3) 4 - 7 (8) | | | 6 - 7' | B&B |
| 7 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
Abies koreana 'Aurea' Golden Korean Fir |
![]() | EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL CONIFER;short butter yellow spring needles fade in intensity through the summer; upright purple cones in spring make a distinct contrast; medium sized bushy upright habit to about 3' tall & half as wide in 10 years; deer browse resistant; locate in full sun or minimal shade & very well-drained organic moisture retentive soil that's neutral to slightly acidic; Korean native; Zones (4) 5 - 7 | | | 7 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
| 10 - 12' | B&B |
Abies koreana 'Horstman's Silberlocke' Variegated Korean Fir |
![]() | EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL CONIFER; up-twisting bluish-green needles with broad silvery stripes below that are very showy; upright purple cones in spring; pyramidal habit to about 5' tall by 3' wide in 10 years; side pruning helps form a lot; deer browse resistant; locate in full sun or minimal shade & very well-drained organic moisture retentive soil that's neutral to slightly acidic; Korean native; Zones (4) 5 - 7 | | | 7 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 9' | B&B |
| 10 - 12' | B&B |
Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica 'Glauca' Blue Rocky Mountain Fir; Corkbark Fir |
![]() | EVERGREEN CONIFER; irregular pyramid with silver-blue needles; lighter corky white to gray bark that's lighter than the species & deeply furrowed when mature; dark purple cones up to 4" long; should grow to about 6' tall in 10 years; deer browse resistant; locate in full to partial sun or afternoon shade & very well-drained slightly acidic moisture retentive soil; native to higher elevations of southwestern US; Zones 5 - 6 (7) | | | 7 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
| 10 - 12' | B&B |
Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica 'Glauca Compacta' Compact Rocky Mountain Fir; Compact Corkbark Fir |
![]() | EVERGREEN CONIFER; irregular pyramid with silver-blue needles; lighter corky white to gray bark that's lighter than the species & deeply furrowed when mature; dark purple cones up to 4" long; should grow to about 3' tall in 10 years; deer browse resistant; locate in full to partial sun or afternoon shade & very well-drained slightly acidic moisture retentive soil; native to higher elevations of southwestern US; Zones 5 - 6 (7) | | |
 | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; upright habit to 50' or more; weak reddish fall foliage; locate in full sun; adaptable to wet & well drained soils; US native; native US cross [A. rubrum x A. saccharinum] Zones 3 - 9 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
| 3 - 3.5"c | B&B |
| 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
| 4.5 - 5"c | B&B |
| 5 - 6"c | B&B |
Acer griseum CLUMP Paperbark Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; variable exfoliating cinnamon bark; green foliage turns to shades of red in the fall; grows to about 25' tall by 20' wide or larger; multiple trunks from the ground; locate in full sun to partial shade; tolerates most soils with good to moderate drainage; PHS Gold Metal; native of China; Zones 5 - 7 | | | 6 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
| 10 - 12' | B&B |
| 12 - 14' | B&B |
| 14 - 16' | B&B |
Acer griseum LOW BRANCHED Paperbark Maple |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; inconspicuous yellowish spring flower yields approx. 2" long samaras; showy exfoliating bark is usually cinnamon to orange; green summer foliage usually turns shades of red in the fall; variable growth & branching reaching to about 25' tall & wide; branching starts at the ground – sometimes with multiple main trunks; tolerates alkaline & clay soil; not drought tolerant; locate in full sun to partial shade (preferred) & most soils with good to moderate drainage; PHS Gold Metal; Chinese native; Zones 4 - 8 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
| 3 - 3.5"c | B&B |
| 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
| 4.5 - 5"c | B&B |
| 5 - 6"c | B&B |
| 6 - 7"c | B&B |
| 7 - 8"c | B&B |
| 8 - 9"c | B&B |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; dark red spring & summer foliage; broadly upright habit to 25' or more in 25 years; branching starts about 3' or more above grade; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | | 5 - 6' | 10g / 15g |
| 6 - 7' | 25g |
| 6 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' spmn | B&B |
Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen' Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; crimson laceleaf foliage into mid-summer; summer foliage is reddish-green, depending on heat, moisture and shade; excellent compact mounding habit; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | | 42 - 48" spr | 10g |
| 4 - 5' spr | 10g / 15g |
 | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; spring foliage everges with a distinct & showy creamy yellow margin around the green center; mature summer foliage looses the contrast; foliage turns yellow in fall; yellow flowers before the foliage yield to light green samaras in early summer; can be invasive; compact rounded head reaching about 35' tall & 30' wide; shallow root system and dense shade makes under-planting difficult for many plants; locate in full sun to partial shade & any soil with adequate drainage; European native; Zones (3) 4 - 7 | | | 5 - 6"c | B&B |
| 6 - 7"c | B&B |
| 7 - 8"c | B&B |
Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' Red Maple; Swamp Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; small dark red flowers in early spring; rapid upright habit with spreading pyramidal heads to 60' tall; early red fall foliage; locate in full sun & moisture retentive well-drained slightly acidic soil; US native; Zones (3) 4 - 9 | | | 3 - 3.5"c | B&B |
| 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
 | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; pyramidal to rounded head; grows to 50' tall; showy orange to red fall foliage; locate in full sun; adaptable to wet & well drained soils; US native; not as drought tolerant as most other cultivars (Schmidt) Zones 4 - 9 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
| 3 - 3.5"c | B&B |
| 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
| 4.5 - 5"c | B&B |
| 5 - 6"c | B&B |
Acer saccharum 'Commemoration' Sugar Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; fast grower with oval to rounded head; grows to about 50'; thick green foliage resists leaf tatter and turns brilliant red to orange to yellow in fall; locate in full sun to partial shade with room to develop & well drained organic soil; not tolerant of compacted soils, deicing salt or reflected heat; US native; Zones 4 - 8 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
Acer saccharum Fall Fiesta® ('Bailsta') Sugar Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; thick glossy green summer foliage resists leaf tatter & leafhopper damage; fall foliage is more red & orange than most other cultivars; rapid upright grower to about 60' tall by 50' wide; locate in full sun or partial shade & well-drained organic soil; not tolerant of compacted soils deicing salt reflected heat or restricted root zones; US native (Bailey) Zones 4 - 7 | | | 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
 | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; oval to rounded head; can grow to 70'; thick green foliage resists scorch & leaf tatter; variable yellow to orange to red fall foliage; very heat resistant cultivar; locate in full sun to partial shade with room to develop & well drained organic soil; not tolerant of compacted soils, deicing salt or reflected heat; may be a cross with A. nigrum; US native (Flemer) Zones 4 - 8 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
| 3 - 3.5"c | B&B |
| 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
| 4.5 - 5"c | B&B |
| 5 - 6"c | B&B |
Acer saccharum 'Legacy' Sugar Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; thick waxy dark green foliage resists scorch & leaf tatter & turns orange-red in fall; tight oval head to about 50' tall by 40' wide; heat resistant; locate in full sun or partial shade & well-drained organic soil; not tolerant of compacted soils deicing salt reflected heat or restricted root zones; US native (Wandell) Zones 4 - 8 | | | 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' Golden Full Moon Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; the soft golden foliage looks its best in dappled shade or protected from the afternoon sun; slow upright spreading habit that should be about as wide as tall when mature; locate in light or afternoon shade and well drained soil; Asian native; Zones 5 - 7 | | | 3 - 4' | 7g / 10g |
| 4 - 5' | 15g / 25g |
| 5 - 6' | 25g |
Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; medium sized shade tree; slow grower to about 35' with a rounded head; dark green summer foliage turns shades of red & orange in late October; tan bark exfoliates in vertical strips; pest resistant; likes moist, acidic, well-drained soil; Asian native; Zones (4) 5 - 7 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
Aesculus x arnoldiana 'Autumn Splendor' Hybrid Buckeye |
![]() | SHADE TREE; large creamy-white pyramidal flower panicles in spring; fruit is ornamentally insignificant; glossy dark green summer foliage turns beautiful orange-crimson in fall; upright oval habit to about 35' tall by 30' wide; locate in full or partial sun & well-drained moisture retentive soil (U of MN) Zones (3) 4 - 8 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii' Red Buckeye; Red Horsechestnut |
 | ORNAMENTAL TREE; 10†dark red flower panicles; upright rounded habit to about 35'; resistant to the blotch and mildew; branching begins at or very close to the ground; locate in full sun to partial shade with well drained organic soil; pH adaptable [A. pavia x A. hippocastanum] Zones 4 - 7 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
| 3 - 3.5"c | B&B |
| 3.5 - 4"c | B&B |
| 4 - 4.5"c | B&B |
Aesculus x carnea 'Fort McNair' Pink Buckeye; Pink Horsechestnut |
![]() | ORNAMENTAL TREE; 6-8" dark pink panicles with yellow throats in late spring; slightly more resistant to leaf blotch; medium grower to about 40' tall & wide; locate in full sun to partial shade with well drained organic soil; pH adaptable [A. pavia x A. hippocastanum] Zones 4 - 7 | | | 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
| 2.5 - 3"c | B&B |
Aesculus octandra |
![]() | see: Aesculus flava | | |
Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye |
 | DECIDUOUS FLOWERING SHRUB; white flowers in early summer; shrubby wide-spreading habit to 10' high by 12' to 15' spread; best in full sun and rich organic slightly acidic soils that drain well; PHS Gold Metal; southeast US native; Zones 4 - 8 (9) | | |
Aesculus pavia SHRUB FORM Red Buckeye; Red Horsechestnut |
![]() | DECIDUOUS FLOWERING SHRUB; large bush or small tree to about 15' tall & wide; red flowers in late April or early March; branching starts at or very near the ground; best in partial shade and rich organic slightly acidic soils that drain well; PHS Gold Metal; southeast US native; Zones 4 - 8 | | | 4 - 5' | B&B |
| 5 - 6' | B&B |
| 6 - 7' | B&B |
Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' SHRUB FORM Apple Serviceberry |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; bushy upright habit to 25'; white spring flowers; blue-black edible fruit; foliage is resistant to leaf spot and turns variable shades of orange in fall; branching starts at or near the ground; best in full sun to partial shade & moist well-drained acidic soil; native US cross [A. arborea x A. laevis] (Wandell) Zones 4 - 9 | | | 5 - 6' | B&B |
| 6 - 7' | B&B |
| 7 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
| 10 - 12' | B&B |