Botanical name begins with
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Grower: Colony Nursery, Inc.availabilitySizeRootsF'16New
Acer griseum TREE FORM Paperbark Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; variable exfoliating cinnamon bark; green foliage turns to shades of red in the fall; variable growth & branching reaching to about 25' tall & wide or larger; there is a single trunk for 3' to 6' or possibly more; locate in full sun to partial shade; tolerates most soils with good to moderate drainage; PHS Gold Metal; native of China; Zones 5 - 7
6 - 7'B&B
Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' Full Moon Maple; Dancing Peacock Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; large deeply dissected green leaves in spring & summer; brilliant variable red to orange fall color for an extended period; prominent maroon samaras in fall; broadly upright habit to 30'+ tall & usually wider; locate in partial shade or full sun & moist organic well-drained slightly acidic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
3 - 4'B&B
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Red Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; dark red spring & summer foliage turns bright crimson in fall; broadly upright habit to 25' or more in 25 years; branching usually starts about 12-18" above grade; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
4 - 5'10g
4 - 5'B&B
5 - 6'B&B
6 - 7'B&B
Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen' Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; dark red laceleaf foliage into mid-summer; summer foliage is reddish-green; fall foliage is scarlet; compact mounding spreading habit to about 10' tall by 15' wide; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
24 - 30" sprB&B
30 - 36" sprB&B
36 - 42" sprB&B
Acer palmatum Emperor 1® ('Wolff') Red Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; dark red foliage from spring through summer; bud-break a little later than 'Bloodgood' in spring; more upright and darker red foliage in late summer than 'Red Emperor'; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native (Wolff) Zones 5 - 7
4 - 5'B&B
5 - 6'B&B
6 - 7'B&B
Acer palmatum 'Orangeola' Laceleaf Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; orange-red spring foliage turns dark green in summer; a second summer flush of orange-red foliage contrasts beautifully with the darker green mature foliage; persistent bright orange-red fall foliage; compact weeping mound to about 10' tall by 7-8' wide; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native (Kraxberger) Zones 5 - 7
30 - 36" sprB&B
36 - 42" sprB&B
Acer palmatum 'Pixie' Red Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; deeply cut reddish-pink spring foliage matures to deep red by summer & bright scarlet in fall; sport of 'Bloodgood'; compact upright habit to about 6' tall by 5' wide; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
4 - 5'B&B
5 - 6'15g
Acer palmatum 'Pung Kil' Red Strapleaf Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; emerging foliage is bright red with deeply cut lobes to the petiole; summer color is retained before turning bright red in fall; bushy upright habit to about 6' tall by 4' wide in 10 years; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; introduced from Korea; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
4 - 5'20g
Acer palmatum 'Red Dragon' Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; foliage opens bright scarlet maturing to deep red with a silvery cast in summer; fall foliage is again scarlet; slow to moderate compact spreading habit to about 5' high & wide; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native (Duncan & Davies) Zones 5 - 7
A: 12-1018 - 24" sprB&B
A: 12-1024 - 30" sprB&B
A: 12-1030 - 36" sprB&B
Acer palmatum 'Rhode Island Red' Dwarf Red Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; new foliage is dark purple-red which becomes greenish-red in summer; fall exhibits bright crimson to orange foliage; dark red stems add winter interest; very compact bushy habit to 6' tall by 5' wide in 10 years; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 8
18 - 24"B&B
24 - 30"15g
Acer palmatum 'Sango kaku' / 'Senkaki' Coral Bark Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; bright green spring & summer foliage turns bright shades of yellow & gold in fall; winter bark is bright electric red on younger stems; upright vase-shaped habit to 20'; fairly slow grower; tends to grow late into the fall which can cause tip die-back from early frosts; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 6 - 7
5 - 6'15g
Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira' Lion's Head Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; crinkly green layered foliage all spring & summer turns shades of gold & crimson in fall; green bark; slow broadly upright to vase-shaped habit that will be as wide or wider than tall; natural bonsai look; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
3 - 4'B&B
Acer palmatum 'Tamuke yama' Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; dark red laceleaf foliage holds color well through summer before turning bright scarlet; vigorous spreading horizontal habit to about 4' tall by 6' wide & larger at maturity; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; PHS Gold Metal; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
21 - 24" sprB&B
24 - 30" sprB&B
30 - 36" sprB&B
36 - 42" spr10g
36 - 42" spr15g
Acer palmatum 'Twombley's Red Sentinel' Fastigiate Red Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; this sport of 'Bloodgood' is more upright with slightly lighter burgundy foliage; it's a moderate grower which will mature about 20' with a spread of about 15'; foliage turns shades of crimson in fall; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
5 - 6'20g
Acer palmatum 'Viridis' Green Laceleaf Japanese Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; medium green deeply disected foliage; broadly spreading mounding habit; grows slower than 'Waterfall' & branches grow more horizontally; bright orange yellow & gold fall foliage; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7
24 - 30" sprB&B
30 - 36" spr10g
36 - 42" spr15g
Acer shirasawanum Moonrise ('Munn 001') Golden Full Moon Maple
DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; carmine red new foliage in spring with lime green venation; summer foliage is chartreuse;; fall brings shades of yellow, orange & red; more sun tolerant than 'Aureum'; rapid grower to about 20'; locate in full to partial sun & well-drained moisture retentive soil; may be more heat &/or cold tolerant than other A. shirasawanum cultivars; Asian native (Munn) Zones 5 - 7
3 - 4'B&B
4 - 5'B&B