Abies koreana 'Aurea' BUSH Golden Korean Fir |
 | EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL CONIFER;short butter yellow spring needles fade in intensity through the summer; upright purple cones in spring make a distinct contrast; medium sized bushy upright habit to about 3' tall & half as wide in 10 years; sheared to have a round profile; deer browse resistant; locate in full sun or minimal shade & very well-drained organic moisture retentive soil that's neutral to slightly acidic; Korean native; Zones (4) 5 - 7 | | | | 6g sqt |
| 21 - 24" spr | 12" PBox |
| 24 - 30" spr | 10g sqt |
Abies nordmanniana 'Pendula' STAKED Weeping Nordmann Fir |
![]() | EVERGREEN CONIFER; flat grossy needles appear bright green in spring, darken by summer & are notched & rounded at the tip; 6" by 2" cylindrical cones mature to reddish-brown; vertical leader with lateral branches hanging strictly down along the trunk giving it a narrow profile; height & width vary with staking; deer browse resistant; one of the most heat tolerant species; locate in full to partial sun & very well-drained slightly acidic moisture retentive soil; southwestern Asian native; Zones (4) 5 - 6 (7) | | |
Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' Full Moon Maple; Dancing Peacock Maple |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; large deeply dissected green leaves in spring & summer; brilliant variable red to orange fall color for an extended period; prominent maroon samaras in fall; broadly upright habit to 30'+ tall & usually wider; locate in partial shade or full sun & moist organic well-drained slightly acidic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
Acer palmatum 'Beni otake' Red Strapleaf Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; in English, the cultivar translation is "Big Red Bamboo"; new foliage is cut to the petiole & emerges purple-red; red color is retained all summer before turning crimson in fall; a vigorous grower, it can reach 25' at maturity; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native (Wood) Zones 5 - 8 | | |
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' BRANCHED @ 12" Red Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; dark red spring & summer foliage turns bright crimson in fall; broadly upright habit to 25' or more in 25 years; branching usually starts about 12-18" above grade; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | | | 3g |
| | 6g sqt |
| 42 - 48" | 12" PBox |
Acer palmatum 'Firecracker' Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; burgundy dissected foliage on red stems turns greenish-red by mid-summer then bright red in fall; spreading mounded habit to about 2' tall by 4' wide in 10 years; locate in full sun to light or afternoon shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native (Esveld) Zones 5 - 7 | | | | 6g sqt |
| 42 - 48" spr | 12" PBox |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; TREE; foliage has very long narrow purple-red lobes which bronzes in summer before turning shades of orange and red in fall; compact upright habit to 8’ tall by 4’ wide in 10 years; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 – 8 | | |
Acer palmatum 'Koto-no-ito' Dwarf Japanese Maple |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; variably narrow green 5 or 7 lobed foliage gives this compact plant a very delicate appearance; fall color is yellow; green bark; compact upright habit to 10' or less tall by about 6-8' wide; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa' SPREADING FORM Dwarf Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; compact upright spreading habit to about 10' tall & equally wide at maturity; very tightly layered foliage emerges yellowish before turning dark green by summer; fall foliage is yellow to orange or reddish; brilliant red samaras appear in late spring; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | A: 11-12 | 36 - 42" spr | 20g sqt |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; orange-red spring foliage turns dark green in summer; a second summer flush of orange-red foliage contrasts beautifully with the darker green mature foliage; persistent bright orange-red fall foliage; compact weeping mound to about 10' tall by 7-8' wide; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native (Kraxberger) Zones 5 - 7
| | |
Acer palmatum 'Peaches-N-Cream' Variegated Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; creamy deeply lobed new foliage with green veins & rosy margins; bushy habit to about 10' tall & wide'; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors (Teese) Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; bright red, deeply lobed, spring foliage turns darker red to purplish-green in summer; darker venation in spring is not evident in summer; fall color will range from orange to scarlet; broadly upright than 'Bloodgood'; will reach 20' or more tall; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native (Buchholz) Zones 5 - 7 | | |
Acer palmatum 'Red Dragon' Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; foliage opens bright scarlet maturing to deep red with a silvery cast in summer; fall foliage is again scarlet; slow to moderate compact spreading habit to about 5' high & wide; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native (Duncan & Davies) Zones 5 - 7 | | A: 12-7 | 36 - 42" spr | 20g sqt |
A: 12-26 | 42 - 48" spr | 20g sqt |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; new foliage is dark purple-red which becomes greenish-red in summer; fall exhibits bright crimson to orange foliage; dark red stems add winter interest; very compact bushy habit to 6' tall by 5' wide in 10 years; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 8 | | | | 6g sqt |
| 21 - 24" spr | 12" PBox |
A: 11-12 | 21 - 24" spr | 10g sqt |
Acer palmatum 'Ryusen' STAKED Weeping Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; typical green palmatum foliage on a tree with a strictly weeping habit; foliage turns bright shades of yellow orange & red in fall; height dependent on staking; can be left unstaked to trail over walls or rocks; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; crinkly green layered foliage all spring & summer turns shades of gold & crimson in fall; green bark; slow broadly upright to vase-shaped habit that will be as wide or wider than tall; natural bonsai look; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
Acer palmatum 'Starfish' Red Strapleaf Japanese Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; TREE; foliage has long very narrow distinctly separated (starfish-like) lobes that open bright red & mature to purplish-red by late summer then shades of orange & red in fall; compact broadly upright habit to about 8’ tall by 6' wide in 10 years; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 – 8 (9) | | |
Acer palmatum 'Tamuke yama' Red Laceleaf Japanese Maple |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; dark red laceleaf foliage holds color well through summer before turning bright scarlet; vigorous spreading horizontal habit to about 4' tall by 6' wide & larger at maturity; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; PHS Gold Metal; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | | | 3g |
A; 12-26 | 42 - 18" spr | 20g sqt |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; this sport of 'Bloodgood' is more upright with slightly lighter burgundy foliage; it's a moderate grower which will mature about 20' with a spread of about 15'; foliage turns shades of crimson in fall; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; afternoon shade helps retain best foliage colors; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
Acer palmatum 'Viridis' Green Laceleaf Japanese Maple |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; medium green deeply disected foliage; broadly spreading mounding habit; grows slower than 'Waterfall' & branches grow more horizontally; bright orange yellow & gold fall foliage; locate in full sun to partial shade & well-drained moisture retentive organic soil; Japanese native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
Acer platanoides 'Novush' Dwarf Norway Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; yellow flowers before the foliage yield to 2" light green samaras in early summer; small dark green deeply cut summer foliage turns bright yellow in fall; very compact rounded habit to about 4' tall & wide in 10 years; shallow root system; tolerates drought & air polution; locate in full sun to partial shade & any soil with adequate drainage; European native; Zones (3) 4 - 7 | | |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; the spring foliage is an irregular mix of green, white & pink with a burgundy underside; the color is retained best if it gets some afternoon shade; compact upright habit; tolerant of salt air near the ocean; considered invasive in some areas; locate in full to mostly sunny areas & just about any soil (acidic or alkaline) with reasonable drainage; native to Europe & western Asia; Zones 4 - 7 | | | | 6g sqt |
| 6 - 7' | B&B |
| 7 - 8' | B&B |
| 8 - 10' | B&B |
Acer saccharum 'Monumentale' Fastigiate Sugar Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE; very narrow upright habit with extremely short side branching; yellow &/or orange fall foliage; will grow about 1' or more per year up to about 60' tall with a 4-5' spread; locate in full sun or partial shade & well-drained organic soil; not tolerant of compacted soils deicing salt reflected heat or restricted root zones; US native; Zones 4 - 8 | | | 1.5 - 2"c | B&B |
| 2 - 2.5"c | B&B |
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' SPREADING FORM Golden Full Moon Maple |
![]() | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; the soft golden foliage looks its best in dappled shade or protected from the afternoon sun; slow upright spreading habit to about 15' tall & as wide or wider; locate in full to partial sun & well-drained moisture retentive soil; Asian native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' UPRIGHT FORM Golden Full Moon Maple |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; the soft golden foliage looks its best in dappled shade or protected from the afternoon sun; slow upright spreading habit to about 15' tall & as wide or wider; locate in full to partial sun & well-drained moisture retentive soil; Asian native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; orange-yellow foliage through the summer; fall brings shades of yellow, orange & red; more sun tolerant than 'Aureum'; slow grower to about 20'; locate in full to partial sun & well-drained moisture retentive soil; Asian native; Zones 5 - 7 | | |
 | DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE; carmine red new foliage in spring with lime green venation; summer foliage is chartreuse;; fall brings shades of yellow, orange & red; more sun tolerant than 'Aureum'; rapid grower to about 20'; locate in full to partial sun & well-drained moisture retentive soil; may be more heat &/or cold tolerant than other A. shirasawanum cultivars; Asian native (Munn) Zones 5 - 7 | | | | 3g |
| 36 - 42" | 10g sqt |
| 4 - 5' | 20g sqt |
Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye |
![]() | DECIDUOUS FLOWERING SHRUB; upright white panicles to 12" tall in early summer; shrubby wide-spreading habit to 10' high; suckering shrub that can get as wide as allowed; locate in full sun to light shade & rich organic slightly acidic well-drained moisture retentive soil; PHS Gold Metal; southeast US native; Zones 4 - 8 (9) | | |